Tuesday, 5 July 2016

An Ode to Humor and Music

As taste in music varies from person to person, the funny bone also comes in varied sizes. Haven’t we all felt from time to time that music and humor connect people, burns bridges, breaks hearts, lightens up lives and makes people?

How many times have you read something funny and instantly thought about the person you know would enjoy it as well? How many times have you heard this brilliant piece of music and couldn’t let this one person escape your mind? How many times have you mis-judged humor and fired it in the wrong direction? How many times have you felt judged because of your choice in music?

Humor can be a deal maker or a breaker. Many use it to camouflage the present, many use it as a medium to connect, and many are spontaneous with it. A piece of music, when heard alone, brings in different emotions and when heard with someone who appreciates the same, brings in a different kind of emotion. Does it mean that both are ways to reach out to something or someone? Does it mean that both are ways to express what we don’t in our ordinary days? Does it mean life becomes prettier when you find someone with your kind of humor and taste in music?

Why does it happen many a times that the song we heard at the beginning of the day stays with us through the day? Why does a joke which made us hysteric the first time ends up bringing out the same decibel of laughter each time we hear or share it? This is longing. It is yearning for a good time, yearning to go back in time. The element of nostalgia music and humor brings in is massively cheerful or heart breaking. When we are nostalgic and find it difficult to find our way out, we take the help of humor and music. Let us not decide whether it is the right or the wrong thing. But let us leave it on the note that without either of them, life would be a little lost, faces would shine and fade a little less, melancholia would be an unexplored feeling, and time travel will hold no meaning any more.