Last night while the breeze touched my face and moonlight was bright,
Last night when I accidently woke up to the soft light on my
I suddenly remembered that as a little girl I always wanted
to stare at the moon and sleep,
I suddenly remembered how the breeze, the rain, the moon,
and the waving leaves made me happy.
Last night while I let my mind wander and skim through the
varied memories made,
Last night while I sang a song in the head, I felt like a free
soul gliding through thoughts.
I suddenly realized how often we forget to be grateful,
I suddenly realized how things and feelings change in matter
of no time.
Last night while I silently looked at the moon through the
window like a baby,
Last night while I smiled at myself and my life behind,
I suddenly knew that the path ahead is going to be glorious
like the moon today.
I suddenly knew that there is somebody watching and making
life magical for you and me.