Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Last Night

Last night while the breeze touched my face and moonlight was bright,
Last night when I accidently woke up to the soft light on my face,
I suddenly remembered that as a little girl I always wanted to stare at the moon and sleep,
I suddenly remembered how the breeze, the rain, the moon, and the waving leaves made me happy.

Last night while I let my mind wander and skim through the varied memories made,
Last night while I sang a song in the head, I felt like a free soul gliding through thoughts.
I suddenly realized how often we forget to be grateful,
I suddenly realized how things and feelings change in matter of no time.

Last night while I silently looked at the moon through the window like a baby,
Last night while I smiled at myself and my life behind,
I suddenly knew that the path ahead is going to be glorious like the moon today.
I suddenly knew that there is somebody watching and making life magical for you and me.

Saturday, 5 September 2015

Let us call it companionship

Many of us get our hearts broken once and many of us get it broken over and over again. Then there are the fortunate ones who don’t get it broken at all. Here we are specifically talking about the “idea of love.” In the breaking, mending, giving away, fixing, and offering our hearts, what do we realize with time? Have we started feeling that to love, is a difficult task? Have we started looking at it as a burden? Since when did love and companionship become so complicated? Since when did love become so difficult to comprehend that it breezes away from us and we keep manipulating our hearts and minds? Since when did we become so immune to all the love floating around to absorb us, in all its warmth and comfort?

Since the time we have become unsure of ourselves, we have let love to go away. Since the time we have not looked at love as companionship but have looked at it as convenience, we have let it out of our lives. And the times, when we have let our pasts guide us through our presents and forecast our futures, we have let love go away.

Nobody can define love. Nobody is sure of what makes it or breaks it. But what makes it real and true is ‘being there and standing by,' and everything else just fits in. While you stand by your companion, every fear can be conquered and every hardship can be blown away. That one leap of faith has to be taken when you tell yourself- This is forever. 

Thursday, 11 June 2015

People and purpose

Do you remember that gloomy Tuesday afternoon when you had no idea that you would meet someone who would leave a deep impact in your life. Do you remember that evening when you walked into a room without having any clue that by the time you leave, your life would have undergone a humongous change?

People enter our lives with a purpose. We spend our constructive and destructive times with them. They either move, make, love, destroy or significantly change us. We let them in and then the river takes its course. What we were at the beginning of the summer, we aren't any more at fall. Either we take pride in what we become or we can't look eye to eye with our own-selves.

People exit from our lives for a purpose. Probably their roles are over, probably we need to look beyond, probably we need to discover some other aspects of ourselves now. We grumble, weep, rejoice or stay unmoved. People exit because they have to and they should. They probably entered our space to open us up like never before. They probably came to help us hear our own voice. They probably came to help us love ourselves a little more than we ever did.

With years adding up to my life, I have understood that all the people I meet and interactions that I have with them have become a part of me. I am them. The moments I focus on any of the aspects of my personality, I re-visit all  those people and events in my mind. You have grown because of them. You have transformed because of them.

Then there are a few who you wish stay a little longer cause deep down you know, you impacted each others lives, but then there would be reasons a plenty for them to exit. But in all this coming and going, always be truthful to yourself and kind to others because you don't know how much you impact the other person's life. 

Tuesday, 2 June 2015


It's easy when they say- let's get on with our lives- people come, people go. It's easy when they say- life will continue any way, good and bad things will happen anyway.

They are right.

But you are right too, when you feel torn apart by the thought of everything. However splendid tomorrow seems to be, if you think something is missing and you are going to regret, you probably will.

Only you and you will have to live with yourself, only you would know what makes you happy in all your secrecy and what drills deep into your soul with grief. The magic wand is in your hand; faith in your thoughts and deliberation in your actions. Miracles and magic will never fail to surprise you. But when you get the chance to create magic, don't let it go. That will be your story when you look back while witnessing the beautiful sunset with your cup of tea!

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

An encounter with self

You have locked your thoughts in your head for a long time,
You have not let your hair down in a long time.
Long time you have not let your wings spread and taken a flight to remember,
Long time you have not painted the town red and danced to the music in your heart.

Each step you have taken, you have wondered and wondered,
Each thought you have had, you have frowned and then killed.
Long time you have not walked on the waves and sang to yourself,
Long time you have not worn your heart out and taken pride in it.

People and things happen for a reason,
Few people come into your lives to just remove the debris, to make you alive again.
You find yourself and you know how your mind looks in the dark and in light,
You realize that life is made of people and their little details.

Yesterday you would have avoided your mind cause you were frightened,
Yesterday you would have pushed your words cause you cared too much.
Today, you have a self which has a mind of its own,
Today, you are not afraid because you have finally found yourself.

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

The Window

I was sitting by the window looking out
A day passed by, a night, and a year.
I remember not, if it was a year or a lifetime,
I remember not, if I blinked my eye or gasped for breath.

Many a times, I chase the sunlight,
Many a times, there is great comfort in darkness.
The corner of my mind, reaches out to places known,
The deepest thoughts in my heart time travels to the wide world behind.
As I looked out of the window I wondered if being in yesterday can define my tomorrow,
As I looked within, I wondered if saying goodbyes can define a better day after.

I was sitting by the window looking out
The dusk told its story and the birds flying by, told theirs.
I remember not if I promised to not look behind
I remember not if I smiled or cried.
But I remember that the sky was red and full of love,
I remember that the breeze sang a song and the moon too was bright.