Every year begins with hope. Hope to make “this one”
perfect. Hope to fulfill all the pending dreams. Hope to love and be loved.
Hope to do something that when you sit and sip your tea in your garden 40 years
down the line- you are able to say, “oh my! what a year that was!” Hope to live
and not to survive.
We often end up measuring our success in a year as compared
to the others. Nothing is wrong in that. It works differently for different
people. But we tend to forget that no
two people are alike. No two people can have the same goals. No two destinations
can be the same. For me, may be, being myself and finding myself is success.
For you, may be, climbing that mountain you drew in your childhood, is
Without setting any ground rules defining what a “good year”
is, through only looking back and looking within, I say, 2014 was good. With
ups and downs, from losing yourself to then finding again. With sad songs playing
inside the head to tapping your feet to the happy ones. With loving and saying,
to believing and crying. To giggling and breaking a back. To seeing the Devi’s
face in Calcutta to seeing Mona Lisa smile in Paris. From Valentine’s Day to Christmas,
from Holi to Diwali, from River Hooghly to River Seine, the year floated by
The year that was and is, said one thing to me- “Be honest
to yourself. You can fool everyone, except yourself!” The year also said, “Do
everything from the deepest center of your heart!” If you love, love without
threats, if you sing, sing without the fear of being judged, if you laugh,
believe that your laughter lights up the world- that is when you become
Beautiful. That is when you become special. With another bag full of hope, in
anticipation, I eagerly await the Year
That Will Be.